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korean language

비소설_언어의 온도_염치 언어의 온도(170만부 기념 에디션)언어에는 따뜻함과 차가움, 적당한 온기 등 나름의 온도가 있다. 세상살이에 지칠 때 어떤 이는 친구와 이야기를 주고받으며 고민을 털기도 하고, 어떤 이는 책을 읽으며 작가가 건네는 문장으로 위안을 얻는다. 이렇듯 ‘언어’는 한순간 나의 마음을 꽁꽁 얼리기도, 그 꽁꽁 얼어붙었던 마음을 녹여주기도 한다. 『언어의 온도』의 저자 이기주는 엿듣고 기록하는 일을 즐겨 하는 사람이다. 그는 버스나 지하철에 몸을 실으면 몹쓸 버릇이 발동한다고 고백한다. 이 책은 저자가 일상에서 발견한 의미 있는 말과 글, 단어의 어원과 유래, 그런 언어가 지닌 소중함과 절실함을 농밀하게 담아낸 것이다.저자이기주출판말글터출판일2016.08.19언제부터인가 우리 사회는 염치를 잃어버린 것 같다.지하.. 더보기
소설_영단어_Stephen King_2_g 11/22/63 ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King-who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer-takes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the poss.. 더보기
소설_영단어_Stephen King_2_f 11/22/63 ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King-who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer-takes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the poss.. 더보기
소설_영단어_Stephen King_2_d 11/22/63 ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King-who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer-takes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the poss.. 더보기
소설_영단어_Stephen King_2_c 11/22/63 ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King-who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer-takes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the poss.. 더보기
소설_영단어_Stephen King_2_a 11/22/63 ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King-who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer-takes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the poss.. 더보기
drama_피노키오_단어 리스트 None of the photos here are mine unless stated otherwise짤출처: Tumblr  피노키오 에피소드 01_vocab quizMatch the word in column A with its correct definition in column B. A B1경쟁자Aget a slap in the face2또라이Blie3자율 신경계Ca blunt talking-witch4따귀를 맞다DCompetitor/ opponent5거짓말Ethe correct answer6비밀Fsyndrome7딸꾹질GMissing8막말 마녀Hautonomic nervous system9시체IFireworks festival10소방대원Jvoice11정답KCrazy-person, lunatic12실종L.. 더보기
movie_암살 Assassination (2015) 암살 Assassination (2015)1933 년 조국 (mother country)이 사라진 시대 대한민국 임시정부는 일본 측에 노출되지 않은 세 명을 암살작전에 지목한다.South Korea's interim government names three people who have not been exposed to Japan for the assassination. 한국 독립군 저격수(a sniper from the Korean Independence Army) 안옥윤, 신흥무관학교 출신 (a graduate from ‘Shin-Heung Military Academy’), 폭탄 전문가(bomb expert) 황덕삼! 김구의 두터운 신임을 받는 임시정부 경무국 대장 염석진은 이들을 찾아 나서기 시작.. 더보기