from: 11/22/63 by Stephen King
poleaxed | "Deke was looking at her with a mildly poleaxed expression. Whatever it was he wanted as he went cantering down the backstretch of life, she appeared to have it." - page 308 Poleaxe: [ˈpōˌlaks] 1. Hit, kill, or knock down with or as if with a poleaxe 2. cause great shock to (someone) (사람을 호되게 쳐서) 때려눕히다 어안이 벙벙하게 하다 (=dumbfound) |
cantering | canter: [ˈkantər] (말의) 보통 구보, 보통 구보로 승마하기 명사: a three-beat gait of a horse or other quadruped between a trot and a gallop. 동사: (of a horse) move at a canter in a particular direction: |
pugnacious | "Matching lipstick outlined a small mouth that looked dissatisfied and pugnacious- the mouth of a woman who believes the world is against her and has had plenty of evidence over the years to prove it." - page 313 Pugnacious: [pəɡˈnāSHəs] : eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight. 싸우기 좋아하는, 호전공격적인 (=bellicose) |
thespian | " Who knows, you may find a brilliant thespian lurking in our halls." - page 319 Thespian: [ˈTHespēən] 배우, 연기자 1. (형용사) relating to drama and the theater 2. (명사) an actor or actress |
pinata | " Strung from the trees, and there was a pinata, hung temptingly low from the jutting branch of a sugar pine." Pinata: [pinˈyädə] a decorated figure of an animal containing toys and candy that is suspended from a height and broken open by blindfolded children as part of a celebration. 피냐타 (미국 내 스페인어권 사회에서 아이들이 파티 때 눈을 가리고 막대기로 쳐서 넘어뜨리는, 장난감과 사탕이 가득 든 통) |
complicitous | "For a moment, he looked puzzled, then a complicitous smile dawned on his face." - page 358 Complicitous: [kəmˈplisədəs] : another term for complicit. complicit: [kəmˈplisət] : involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. (좋지 못하거나 불법적인 일에) 연루된 공모한 |
shapped | " I shapped a dance once where the drummer sold home brew beer at intermission. That was a pleasant experience." - page 364 shapped: (slang 슬랭): 낮잠이 절실히 필요한 상황 Being shattered and in desperate need of a nap. (출처: |
ginchy | " He arrived with a totally ginchy record collection..." ginchy: (slang 슬랭, 1930년대 슬랭) ginchier, the ginchiest 1. Sexy, cool. 2. Leery, wary, or nervous. (출처: |
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