From: 11/22/63 by Stephen King
Note C
bedouin [be-də-wən -dü-ən, ˈbed-wən] |
" I was a man out of joint, a temporal bedouin, and any place would have felt a little strange..." 난 내가 살던 구역에서 벗어난 사람이었고, 시간적 베두인이었으니, 그게 어떤 장소였든 조금 이상하게 느껴지는게 당연했다. - page 178 bedouin: Arabic-speaking desert nomads of the Middle East are known as Bedouin. 1.[종종 B~] 베두인 ((사막에서 유목 생활을 하는 아랍인)); 유목민, 방랑자 2.베두인의, 유랑(민)의 Joint is a slang term that refers to a physical place, such as a building. (슬랭으로 장소를 뜻한다) 1. It is commonly used to describe a strip club, bar, or prison, but not limited to those seedy places. It can also refer to a cheap or disreputable gathering place. Some common slang words for a joint include doobie, spliff, reefer, or jay. Synonyms for joint include establishment, parlor, place, and salon : Marijuana cigarette (출처: |
flubs | " If someone flubs a line or misses a cue in those early rehearsals, it's an occasion for laughter." - page 184 flub: (동사): botch or bungle (something) 망치다, 실수하다. (명사): a thing badly or clumsily done; a blunder: 실수, 실패; 멍청이. |
trundled | " I froze as a big transport truck trundled toward me." transport truck: 수송 트럭 trundle: (with reference to a wheeled vehicle or its occupants) move or cause to move slowly and heavily, typically in a noisy or uneven way. (차량 또는 그 탑승자와 관련해서) 시끄러운 소리나 혹은 고르지 않은 소리를 내며 천천히 또는 무겁고 둔하게 움직이는. Verb (천천히 시끄러운 소리를 내며) 굴러가다 Verb (무거운 발걸음으로) 터덜터덜 [느릿느릿] 걷다 |
The horse is out of the barn | " And because it doesn't matter. The horse is out of the barn." The horse is out of the barn: When someone says, “The horse is out of the barn,” they are saying that the time has passed for something to happen or that it’s now too late to perform the action." (출처: 어떤 행동을 취하기엔 때가 너무 늦었다라는 뜻. 활은 이미 당겨졌고 화살은 시위를 벗어났다. 이미 때는 늦었다. |
dicker | "I might dicker a little more with Bill Titus." dicker: 1. engage in petty arguments or bargaining 사소한 논쟁이나 흥정을 벌이다 2. treat something casually or irresponsibly; toy with something. |
lowed | " Somewhere, a cow lowed." low: (동사) to make the deep, long sound of a cow. (소가 내는) 긴 저음의 "음메' 소리를 내는 |
stiff | "Just don't stiff him." stiff (동사, 슬랭) 1. To fail or refuse to tip (a waiter, porter, etc.) 팁을 주지 않는 2. To cheat, swindle; 사기를 치 3. A dead person’s body 시체 4. To tip (someone) inadequately or not at all 서비스를 받고 팁을 모자라게 주거나 아예 안 주는 |
loon | "A loon cried somewhere and was answered by a pal or a mate." 어디선가 아비새가 울자 친구나 짝이 응답을 했다. (어디선가 아비새 우는 소리가 나자 그 새의 친구인지 짝인지가 응답했다.) - page 270 loon: 아비새 (북미산 큰 새로 물고기를 잡아먹고 사람 웃음소리 같은 소리를 냄) |
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