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소설_영단어_Her Fearful Symmetry_a


Her Fearful Symmetry
오드리 니페네거
Simon & Schuster


내 안에 사는 너 1(Blue Moon Club)
쌍둥이 자매의 사소한 장난에서 시작된 2대에 걸친 엇갈린 사랑과 배신 그리고 충격적 결말을 그린『내 안에 사는 너』. <시간 여행자의 아내>로 잘 알려진 오드리 니페네거가 6년 만에 선보이는 신작으로, 런던의 유서 깊은 유적지 하이게이트 묘지공원과 비밀의 인물들이 사는 고급 아파트를 배경으로 초현실적이고 신비스러운 로맨스를 선보인다. 평범한 쌍둥이 자매 줄리아와 발렌티나는 어느 날 엄마의 쌍둥이 자매인 엘스페스 이모가 자신들에게 어마어마한 유산을 남겼다는 소식을 듣는다. 상속 조건은 단 한 가지, 1년 동안 무조건 이모가 살던 런던의 아파트에 살아야 하는 것이다. 아파트로 이사간 자매는 각자 위 아래층에 사는 남자들과 사랑에 빠진다. 그리고 얼마 지나지 않아 자신들을 지켜보는 비밀스러운 존재를 만나게 되는데…. <제1권>
오드리 니페네거


From: Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger


Note a


His skin was pallorous from being too long in the hospital light.

- page 4

pallor: deficiency of color especially of the face : PALENESS
(얼굴 색깔이 특히 병·두려움으로) 창백함 [파리함]
The lines in her face contrasted with her modish clothing.

Modish: [ˈmōdiSH, ˈmädiSH]
Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable:stylish, smart, chic, trendsetting, vogush, fashionable. 유행을 따른
She hefted her suitcases and carried them awkwardly down the stairs.

Heft: hefted (past tense) · hefted (past participle)
lift or carry (something heavy). 들어 올리다, 들어 옮기다
Hurrying always mucked things up.

Muck: [mək]
[Nound]: dirt, rubbish, or waste matter.  (동물의) 배설물, 가축 분뇨 (=manure), 흙, 먼지, 아주 불쾌한 것
[Verb]: spread manure on (land). 분뇨를 뿌리다.
Martin thought about his time at Balliol, when he had played tennis every Wednesdays with a bloke from his Philosophy of Mathematics course.

- page 21

A man.
(informal 속어) 사람, 녀석
anorak: [ˈanəˌrak]
1. A waterproof jacket, typically with a hood, of a kind originally used in polar regions.

英 (방수·방한용) 파카
2. A studious or obsessive person with unfashionable and largely solitary interests.
 별난 일에 열심인 사람
She did something quite stupid that bolixed up our lives.

- page 29

Bolix: [ˈbäliks]
: Bungle (a task), mishandle, mismanage. mess up. botch, spoil, ruin, mar. 망치다
This was curious, because they were out of school, unemployed and rather indolent.

Indolent: [ˈindələnt]
1. wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy.
2. (of a disease or condition) causing little or no pain.
게으른, 나태한, 안일한
The twins were convinced that their mother had the most egregious taste in the entire world.

- page 33

Egregious: [iˈɡrējəs]
1. Outstandingly bad; shocking. 극심하게 나쁘다.
2. Remarkably good. 뛰어나게 좋다.

A new inglenook replaced one that had been torn out.

An inglenook or chimney corner is a recess that adjoins a fireplace. The word comes from "ingle", an old Scots word for a domestic fire (derived from the Gaelic aingeal), and "nook". (출처: Wikipedia)
난롯가 (대형 벽난로 양쪽에 앉을 수 있는 공간)
They had originally matriculated at Cornell.

- page 36
Matriculate: [məˈtrikyəˌlāt]
1. Be enrolled at a college or university.
2. Record (arms) in an official register.
대학에 입학하다

You might wonder why I am leaving all my flotsam and jetsam to you and not to your mother.

- page 38

Flotsam and jetsam:
Flotsam: [ˈflätsəm]:
1. The wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea.
2. People or things that have been rejected and are regarded as worthless:
Jetsam: [ˈjetsəm]
Unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship and washed ashore,
especially material that has been discarded to lighten the vessel. 
1. 표류 화물과 표착 화물
2. 허접쓰레기, 쓸모없는 것, 잡동사니
3. 부랑자, 잉여인간
They all stood, all tried to segue into the normal Saturday-morning routine.

- page 42

Segue: [ˈseˌɡwā, ˈsāˌɡwā]
1. (noun): (in music and film) move without interruption from one piece of music or scene to another.
2. (verb): an uninterrupted transition from one piece of music or film scene to another.
(한 가지 노래·주제·장소 등에서 다른 것으로 부드럽게) 넘어가다 [이어지다]
He spent time brooding over the unmarked graves of foundlings.

: [ˈfoundliNG]
An infant that has been abandoned by its parents and is discovered and cared for by others.
Waif, stray, orphan, wastrel.


At this moment Jessica happened to walk into the garden, noticed the mayhem, and stood with her arms akimbo, the very image of indignation.

- page 59

Arms akimbo
Akimbo: [əˈkimbō]
(adverb) 1. With hands on the hips and elbows turned outward.
2. (of other limbs) flung out widely or haphazardly.
손을 허리에 대고 팔꿈치를 양 옆으로 펴고

She could bend over and stare at her wellshod feet. But her face eluded her.

- page 66

- Wellshod: [wɛlˈʃɒd]
1 a : wearing footgear (such as shoes) b : equipped with tires.
2 : furnished or equipped with a shoe.
(신발을) 신은