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소설_영단어_The Handmaid's Tale_c

My Bookshelf

Handmaid's Tale
AWARDS - Man Booker Prize FINALIST 1986 The seminal work of speculative fiction from the Booker Prize-winning, soon to be a Hulu series starring Elizabeth Moss, Samira Wiley, and Joseph Fiennes. Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable. Offred can remember the days before, when she lived and made love with her husband Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now…. Funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing, The Handmaid’s Tale is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and literary tour de force.
Margaret Atwood
Anchor Books


From: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Note c


You ever thought what it would be like to be shat on by a truckload of chickens, all of them carsick?

- page 247


shit ( Verb 동사): shat (past tense 과거) · shat (past participle 과거분사)
: expel feces from the body. Excrete. 뒤보다, 똥 누다
: tease or try to deceive (someone). 누군가를 놀리거나 속이려고 하다.
: (shit on) show contempt or disregard for. 경멸하거나 무시하는 태도를 보이다.


My ears are ringing from the smoke, the gin has filled me with lassitude.

- page 251

Lassitude: [ˈlasəˌto͞od]
: a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
육체적, 정신적으로 노곤하고 나른한 상태; 무기력
She's got pizzazz.

- page 253

Pizzazz: [pəˈzaz]
: an attractive combination of vitality and glamour. 생동적인 생명력과 화려함의 매력적인 조합
활기, 정력, 재기, 재치, 번득임, 야함, 화려함
I'm a travesty, in bad make-up and someone else's clothes, used glitz.

- page 254

Travesty: [ˈtravəstē]
: a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.
:어떤 사물의 거짓, 부조리 또는 왜곡된  표현. 
: represent in a false or distorted way. 거짓이나 왜곡된 방법으로 나타내다.

(... 의) 졸렬한 모방 [모조품] (=parody)
I see the two of us, a blue shape, a red shape, in the brief glass eye of the mirror as we descend.
Myself, my obverse.

- page 259

Obverse: [ˈäbˌvərs]
: the side of a coin or medal bearing the head or principal design.
: 동전이나 메달의 머리 디자인이나 주된 디자인이 들어 있는 면.
: the opposite or counterpart of a fact or truth. 사실 또는 진실의 반대 또는 (한 쌍의) 한쪽
(… 의) 반대 [정반대 되는 것]
(전문 용어) (동전·메달의) 앞면
I've heard this speech, or one like it, often enough before: the same platitudes, the same slogans,
the same phrases: the torch of the future, the cradle of the race, the task before us.

- page 275

Platitude: [ˈpladəˌto͞od]
(noun 명사)

: a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often
to be interesting or thoughtful.
진부한 이야기 [의견]
I say soi-disant because what we have before us is not the item in its original form.

- page 300

soi-disant: [ˌswädēˈzäN, ˌswädēˈzän(t)]
(adjective 형용사)
: self-styled; so-called. (불어에서) 자칭의, 소위 …라는
However, we must be grateful for any crumbs the Goddess of the History has deigned to vouchsafe us.

- page 310

Vouchsafe: [vouCHˈsāf, ˈvouCHˌsāf]
: give or grant (something) to (someone) in a gracious or condescending manner.
: 누군가에게 은혜로운 혜택을 베풀거나 거들먹거리며 베풀다.
: reveal or disclose (information). (정보를) 밝히거나 공개하다.

(누구에게 특별한 혜택이 될 만한 것을) 주다 [제공하다/말해 주다]