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소설_영단어_Morning, Noon & Night


My Bookshelf

Morning Noon & Night
Sheldon Sidney
William Morrow




from: Sidney Sheldon's Morning, Noon & Night


level " The villa was a five-level house made of old stones
and plaster."

a five-level: 오 층 (5 층)

level: [ˈlev(ə)l] 층 ( =  floor, story)

taxiing "Half an hour later, at the Nice airport, a converted
Boeing 727 was slowly taxiing down the runway to
the takeoff point."

- page 11

Taxi: (동사 verb)
(of an aircraft) to move slowly on the ground.

(이륙 직전·착륙 직후에)
 천천히 달리다 [이동하다]
gustatory " I believe that man was meant to enjoy the gustatory
delights that have been put on the earth."

- page 19

Gustatory: UK  /ˈɡʌs.tə.tər.i/ US  /ˈɡʌs.tə.tɔːr.i/
Connected with taste.
맛의, 미각의
flagrante delicto " Unfortunately for Baker, he was caught flagrante delicto 
in the commission of a burglary."

- page 148

in flagrante delicto:
UK/ɪn fləˌɡræn.teɪ dəˈlɪk.təʊ/ 
US/ˌɪn fləˌɡræn.teɪ dəˈlɪk.toʊ/)

in flagrante:
UK  /ˌɪn fləˈɡræn.teɪ/
US  /ˌɪn fləˈɡræn.teɪ/

In the act of doing something wrong, 
especially having sex with someone 
who is not your husband, wife, or usual partner.
(출처: Cambridge Dictionary)

larceny " She has been convicted of shoplifting, larceny, and
is a known prostitute."

- page 154

Larceny: UK  /ˈlɑː.sən.i/ US  /ˈlɑːr.sən.i/
Stealing, especially (in the US)
the crime of taking something that does not belong to you,
without illegally entering a building to do so.
(출처: Cambridge Dictionary)
절도(죄), 도둑질 (=theft)

antipositional move " It was the classic antipositional chess move."

An antipositional move:
An antipositional move in chess is a move
that goes against the principles of good positioning.
Unlike a mistake made while trying to follow a correct plan,
antipositional moves are part of an incorrect strategy.
These moves often involve pawn advances,
which can create irreparable weaknesses
since pawns cannot move backward to return
to the squares that they have left.
Essentially, an antipositional move is like
planting a seed of positional trouble
that may sprout into difficulties down the road. 
(출처: Bing, Copilot)

좋은 포지션을 확보하기에는 어긋나는
원칙에서 벗어난 move 로서,
실수는 아니지만 잘못된 전략이다.
종종 pawn 이 앞으로 나아가기 위하여 움직였으나
pawn 은 스퀘어로 돌아가기 위해
뒤로 move 할 수 없기에
결국, 회복불가의 약점이 될 수 있다.

본질적으로, 이 move 는
앞으로 난관에 부딪힐지도 모르는
포지션 문제에 원인이 될 씨앗을 심는다.
ungainly " Tony Vinetti was tall, very tall, in an appealing,
ungainly way."

- page 173

Ungainly: UK  /ʌnˈɡeɪn.li/ US  /ʌnˈɡeɪn.li/
Awkward and without grace.
 (움직임이) 어색한 (=awkward)
Ergo "Harry Stanford was your father, wasn't he? Ergo, you're
entitled to a share of his estate. And I don't use the word
ergo very often."

- page 193

Ergo: UK  /ˈɜː.ɡəʊ/ US  /ˈer.ɡoʊ/

a fair hand " I think I'm a fair hand at a stove."

- page 228

a fair hand at: 
a great hand at (something):

Very adept or skilled at something.
뭔가에 매우 능숙하거나 숙련된
(출처: idioms.thefreedictionary.com)
careworn "Kingsly was a man in his fifties, but he looked older
and careworn."

- page 252

Careworn: [ˈkerˌwôrn]
Tired and unhappy because of prolonged worry.
오래된 근심걱정으로 인하여 피곤하고 불행한,
초췌한 [찌들은].