From: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Note c
You ever thought what it would be like to be shat on by a truckload of chickens, all of them carsick?
- page 247
shit ( Verb 동사): shat (past tense 과거) · shat (past participle 과거분사)
: expel feces from the body. Excrete. 뒤보다, 똥 누다
: tease or try to deceive (someone). 누군가를 놀리거나 속이려고 하다.
: (shit on) show contempt or disregard for. 경멸하거나 무시하는 태도를 보이다.
My ears are ringing from the smoke, the gin has filled me with lassitude.
- page 251
Lassitude: [ˈlasəˌto͞od]
: a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
육체적, 정신적으로 노곤하고 나른한 상태; 무기력
She's got pizzazz.
- page 253
Pizzazz: [pəˈzaz]
: an attractive combination of vitality and glamour. 생동적인 생명력과 화려함의 매력적인 조합
활기, 정력, 재기, 재치, 번득임, 야함, 화려함
I'm a travesty, in bad make-up and someone else's clothes, used glitz.
- page 254
Travesty: [ˈtravəstē]
: a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.
:어떤 사물의 거짓, 부조리 또는 왜곡된 표현.
: represent in a false or distorted way. 거짓이나 왜곡된 방법으로 나타내다.
(... 의) 졸렬한 모방 [모조품] (=parody)
I see the two of us, a blue shape, a red shape, in the brief glass eye of the mirror as we descend.
Myself, my obverse.
- page 259
Obverse: [ˈäbˌvərs]
: the side of a coin or medal bearing the head or principal design.
: 동전이나 메달의 머리 디자인이나 주된 디자인이 들어 있는 면.
: the opposite or counterpart of a fact or truth. 사실 또는 진실의 반대 또는 (한 쌍의) 한쪽
(… 의) 반대 [정반대 되는 것]
(전문 용어) (동전·메달의) 앞면
I've heard this speech, or one like it, often enough before: the same platitudes, the same slogans,
the same phrases: the torch of the future, the cradle of the race, the task before us.
- page 275
Platitude: [ˈpladəˌto͞od]
(noun 명사)
: a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often
to be interesting or thoughtful.
진부한 이야기 [의견]
I say soi-disant because what we have before us is not the item in its original form.
- page 300
soi-disant: [ˌswädēˈzäN, ˌswädēˈzän(t)]
(adjective 형용사)
: self-styled; so-called. (불어에서) 자칭의, 소위 …라는
However, we must be grateful for any crumbs the Goddess of the History has deigned to vouchsafe us.
- page 310
Vouchsafe: [vouCHˈsāf, ˈvouCHˌsāf]
: give or grant (something) to (someone) in a gracious or condescending manner.
: 누군가에게 은혜로운 혜택을 베풀거나 거들먹거리며 베풀다.
: reveal or disclose (information). (정보를) 밝히거나 공개하다.
(누구에게 특별한 혜택이 될 만한 것을) 주다 [제공하다/말해 주다]
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