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None of the photos here are mine unless stated otherwise.

짤 출처: 알함브라궁전의추억 DC Drama Gallery (갤러리)


  • 지켜봐 주다_keep an eye out (for someone or something), keep something in sight, keep sight of something.
  • 거짓 눈물_false tears, crocodile tears, weeping in mimicry, sham tears, forced tears.
  • 변명_辨明; [noun] excuse (for), justification (for), pretext (for), [verb] explain oneself, justify (oneself), make[give] an excuse (for)
  • 지치다_be [get, become] tired, be exhausted, be worn out, (formal) be fatigued;  be (sick and) tired (of), (informal) be fed up (with), be weary[bored] of (doing)
  • 의미_意味; [noun] meaning, sense, signification, [verb] mean, signify; stand for; meaning, significance, importance
  • 남다_(time·money·food) be left (over), remain; pay, be profitable; (records) be left, remain














돌다/ 돌았다/돌았어/ 돌았니?/돌았냐? 돌았었나봐

돌다: to turn around, to go around and around-> 돌다:  to go crazy, be crazy, going banana-> 또라이: being a mental case, a wacko





어떻게 오셨어요?_ What brings you here? Why are you here?





  • 폼 나다/ 폼이 나다/폼난다/ 폼이 났을터인데
  • 폼 나다_form 나다, looking fancy, looking good, looking swell
  • 씌워줘야_I should have covered you with. 씌우다_causative verb form of ' 쓰다.'




잘 지냈니?

잘 지냈어요?

잘 지내셨어요?




  • 시치미를 떼다_feign ignorance, assume [put] an air of innocence, pretend not to know (of)
  • 말씀하시다-> 말씀하시려고-> 말씀하시러
  • 말씀_ [noun] word(s), [verb] say, tell (존칭어 honorific form)



  • 나중에 후회할 거라고 얘기했었는데_I told you already you'll get to regret it later.
  • 얘기 (이야기)
  • 후회_後悔 [noun] regret, [verb] regret, (formal) repent, be sorry (for), feel regret (for)