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소설_영단어_Stephen King_2_g


ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King-who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer-takes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the possibility of altering it. It begins with Jake Epping, a thirty-five-year-old English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine, who makes extra money teaching GED classes. He asks his students to write about an event that changed their lives, and one essay blows him away-a gruesome, harrowing story about the night more than fifty years ago when Harry Dunning’s father came home and killed his mother, his sister, and his brother with a sledgehammer. Reading the essay is a watershed moment for Jake, his life-like Harry’s, like America’s in 1963-turning on a dime. Not much later his friend Al, who owns the local diner, divulges a secret: his storeroom is a portal to the past, a particular day in 1958. And Al enlists Jake to take over the mission that has become his obsession-to prevent the Kennedy assassination. So begins Jake’s new life as George Amberson, in a different world of Ike and JFK and Elvis, of big American cars and sock hops and cigarette smoke everywhere. From the dank little city of Derry, Maine (where there’s Dunning business to conduct), to the warmhearted small town of Jodie, Texas, where Jake falls dangerously in love, every turn is leading eventually, of course, to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and to Dallas, where the past becomes heart-stoppingly suspenseful, and where history might not be history anymore. Time-travel has never been so believable. Or so terrifying.
Stephen King
Scribner Book Company





from 11/22/63 by Stephen King

Note g


Practice: Translate the following to Korean:


"For a moment everything is clear, and when that happens you see that the world is barely there at all.

Don't we all secretly know this?

It's a perfectly balanced mechanism of shouts and echos pretending to be wheels and cogs, a dreamclock chiming beneath a mystery-glass we call life.

Behind it?

Below it and around it?

Chaos, storms.

Men with hammers, men with knives, men with guns.

Women who twist what they cannot dominate and belittle what they cannot understand.

A universe of horror and loss surrounding a single lighted stage where mortals dance in defiance of the dark."


- page 616



잠시 모든 것이 명확해지면 우리는 문득 이 세상이 거의 존재하지 않는다는 것을 알게 된다.

이미 모두가 비밀리에 알고 있는 게 아니었던가?

우리가 '삶'이라고 부르는 이 수수께끼의 유리 아래에는 

바퀴인척 톱니인 척하는 외침과 메아리들의 완벽한 균형 장치인 차임벨을 울리는 '꿈의 시계'.

그 뒤에는?

그 아래에는? 주변에는 무엇이 있나?

혼돈, 폭풍.

망치를 든 남자들, 칼을 든 남자들, 총을 든 남자들.

자신들이 지배할 수 없는 것은 비틀고, 이해할 수 없는 것은 깔보는 여자들.

언젠가는 반드시 죽어 사라져야만 하는 존재들이 어둠에 항거하며 춤을 추고 있는

조명을 밝힌 단 한 곳, 그 무대를 호러와 상실의 우주는  둘러싸고 있다.


cogs: 톱니

defiance:  (공개적으로 하는) 반항 [저항]