from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
finical | (=FINICKY) 지나치게 까다로운, 타박이 심한 |
banlieue [bänˈlo͞o, ˌbänˈlyo͞o] |
교외 주택 기구 In France, a banlieue is a suburb of a large city or all its suburbs taken collectively. |
esplanade [es.plə.neɪd] [ˈes.plə.nɑːd/] |
' esplanade of the bridge of Austerlitz' (흔히 도시내의 바닷가나 강가) 산책로, 둔치 a wide-level path, especially one by the sea |
august | 격식있는, 위엄있는 : marked by majestic dignity or grandeur |
scabbard | 칼집 a sheath for a sword, dagger, or bayonet |
debouch [di-ˈbau̇ch -ˈbüsh ] |
(강)등이 흘러나오다 (into) (군대) 등이 넓은 곳으로 나오다 (into) (넓은 곳으로) 유출 (진출) 시키다 : to cause to emerge: DISCHARGE : to march out into open ground : EMERGE, ISSUE |
carabineers |
carabineer: [ker-ə-bə-ˈnir ˌka-rə-] 근위 스코트랜드 용기병 연대 |
ebullitions | 분출, 돌발 (outburst), 용솟음, 격발 ebullition: [e-bə-ˈli-shən ] : a sudden violent outburst or display : the act, process, or state of boiling or bubbling up |
yatagans | yataghan: [ˈya-ti-gən] 이슬람교도의 긴칼 (Turkish) yatağan |
sonorous [ˈsä-nə-rəs ] [sə-ˈnȯr-əs] |
: producing sound (as when struck): 소리를 내는 (두둘겼을 시) : full or loud in sound 소리가 낭랑한 : imposing or impressive in effect or style (스타일이나 그 효과가 강렬하거나 인상깊은 ) |
hearth [ˈhärth ] |
난로 (바닥) the floor of a fireplace 난로 부근 (근처); a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace 가정 home 중추부 (핵심)이고 창조적 중심부 a vital or creative center |
billiard [ˈbi(l)-yərd ] |
'billiard balls' billiard: 당구 |
caissons [ kā-ˌsän -sᵊn, kə-ˈsün] |
caisson: : a chest to hold ammunition (군사) 탄약 상사 : a usually 2-wheeled vehicle for artillery ammunition attachable to a horse-drawn limber 탄약차 : a watertight chamber used in construction work underwater or as a foundation : a hollow floating box or a boat used as a floodgate for a dock or basin(토목) 잠함 |
laburnum [lə-ˈbər-nəm] |
나도싸리 (노란 꽃송이가 늘어지게 피는 작은 나무) any of a small genus (Laburnum, especially L. anagyroides) of poisonous leguminous shrubs and trees of Eurasia with pendulous racemes of bright yellow flowers. |
portress [ ˈpȯr-trəs ] |
여자 문지기, 수위 (woman porter) (빌딩 등의) 여자 청소부 : a woman who is a porter, such as a doorkeeper in a convent or apartment building : CHARWOMAN |
tumbril [təm-brəl ] |
(or tumbril) : (프랑스 혁명기의) 사형수 호송차 a vehicle carrying condemned persons (such as political prisoners during the French Revolution) to a place of execution : 농장의 덤프차 a farm tipcart |
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