from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
excrescences [ikˈskres(ə)ns, ekˈskres(ə)ns] |
excrescence: 동식물에게 생긴 아주 보기 싫은 이상 성장물 (혹), 사마귀 a distinct outgrowth on a human or animal body or on a plant, especially one that is the result of disease or abnormality |
mien | ' the gruff mien' mien: 표정, 태도 |
peddler | peddler: 마약 판매원, 행상인, 도봇장수 'peddlers and carters' |
carter | 짐 마차꾼 |
potsherds | 질그릇 조각 |
copperas [ ˈkä-p(ə-)rəs ] |
녹반 green vitriol ; FERROUS SULFATE |
abattoir [ˈa-bə-ˌtwär] |
slaughterhouse 도살장 a place where animals are butchered |
garret | 'happiness on a garret' garret: 흔히 작고 어두컴컴한 다락방 as in a loft, a room, or an unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building |
portress | 여자 문지기, 여자 청소부 a woman who is a porter, such as : a doorkeeper in a convent or apartment building : CHARWOMAN |
lassitude [la-sə-ˌtüd ] |
노곤함, 무기력 : a condition of weariness or debility: FATIGUE : a condition characterized by a lack of interest, energy, or spirit: LANGUOR |
beadle | 교구직원, 대학 총장의 직권표지를 받드는 속관 a minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order at services and sometimes civil functions |
perchance | 아마, 어쩌면, perhaps, possibly, maybe |
venery [ˈve-nə-rē ] |
venery: 사냥 연습이나 사냥을 하는 행동 사냥하는 동물, 사냥감 animals that are hunted: GAME the art, act, or practice of hunting venery: the pursuit of or indulgence in sexual pleasure |
obstinacy | 순전히 고집을 부리는 행동 STUBBORNNESS |
quay [ˈkē ] |
부두 선참 : a structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place |
hippodromes | 일부 극장, 콘서트장, 경기장, 곡마장 : an oval stadium for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece : an arena for equestrian performances |
espalier [ i-ˈspal-yər ] |
벽에 붙여놓은 틈을 타고 납작하게 붙어 자라는 나무. 식물이 자라게 손질하여 만든 뼈대, 격자 또는 시렁에 올린 나무. : a plant (such as a fruit tree) trained to grow flat against a support (such as a wall) : a railing or trellis on which fruit trees or shrubs are trained to grow flat |
junction | junction: 교차로, 나들목, 명령, 경고, 분기점 分岐點, 네거리, 사거리, 연결, 접합, 합류점, (전선 등의) 연결 [접합/접속] 지점 |
debouched | debouch: [dəˈbo͞oSH, dəˈbouCH] emerge from a narrow or confined space into a wide, open area: 유출, 진출 시키다, 넓은 곳으로 나오다 |
injunction | (법원의) 명령 (→restraining order); (권한을 지닌 사람의) 경고[명령] : a writ granted by a court of equity whereby one is required to do or to refrain from doing a specified act. : the act or an instance of enjoining: ORDER, ADMONITION |
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