
열혈사제 OST ‘Fighter’_Quiz

januaryMittwoch 2019. 5. 12. 10:40

None of the photos here are mine unless stated as otherwise.

짤출처: Tumblr

Vocab Quiz, 열혈사제 OST ‘Fighter’



Match the word in column A with its correct definition in column B.


A                                                                               B

1. 모습                                                                       a. darkness

2. 거짓                                                                       b. forgiveness, pardon, purgation

3. 심장                                                                       c. string

4. 희망                                                                       d. truth

5.                                                                            e. justice, righteousness

6. 비밀                                                                       f. lies, falsehood, being untrue

7. 어둠                                                                       g. sin

8. 용서                                                                       h. secret

9. 진실                                                                       i. floor, the bottom, ground

10.                                                                          j. appearance

11. 바닥                                                                      k. divine judgment

12. 정의                                                                      l. disaster

13. 얼음->얼었음. 얼다                                                m. hope

14. 자비                                                                     n. frozen

15. (신의) 심판                                                           o. heart

16. 재앙                                                                     p. mercy