
소설_영단어_Forever Home_Graham Norton

januaryMittwoch 2024. 3. 6. 09:11


From: Forever Home by Graham Norton



Oh Miss Crottie, Daddy was wondering could you give me grinds at home, Thursdays would be best, he said.

- page 12

[ C usually plural ] 일반적으로 복수형태로 쓰임 (Irish English), informal extra lessons in a subject from a private teacher. 개인교습
(출처: Cambridge Dictionary)

She was careful never to post anything controversial or divisive. Others could post the diatribes from right to left; she preferred the clip of a monkey saving a kitten from a well.

- page 94

Diatribe: [ˈdīəˌtrīb]
: a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
(simiar) tirade, harangue, denunciation, broadside, criticism, stricture.
(말이나 글로 된 통렬한) 비판 [공격], 혹평, 신랄한 비난.


Carol wondered if it might have been better if Brian and his brood had come after all.

- page 94

Brood: a family of young animals, especially of a bird, produced at one hatching or birth.
(similar) offspring, progeny.
(같은 때에 태어난) 새끼들, 자녀들
The time suddenly concertinaed, and everything seemed to be moving at a dizzing speed.

- page 97

Concertina: (verb 동사) concertinaed (past tense) · concertinaed (past participle)
extend, compress, or collapse in folds like those of a concertina.
(similar): crush, squash, compact, compress.
(noun 명사) A concertina is a free-reed musical instrument.
(출처: wiki & cambridge dictionary)

Noun 콘서티나(작은 아코디언같이 생긴 악기)
Verb 英 (콘서티나처럼) 납작 짜부라지다 (출처: 네이버 사전)
I found her Facebook and I suppose I catfished her. Is that whay they call it?

- page 226

Catfishing refers to the creation of a fictitious online persona, or fake identity, with the intent of deception, usually to mislead a victim into an online romantic relationship or to commit financial fraud. Perpetrators, usually referred to as catfish, generally use fake photos and lie about their personal lives to present themselves as more attractive for financial gain, personal satisfaction, evasion of legal consequences, or to troll. (출처: Wikipedia)

고양이 낚시((다른 사람들에게 특별한 인상을 주고 연인을 구하기 위해 온라인상에서 자신에 대해 거짓말을 하는 행위)) (출처: 네이버 사전)
Part of him wanted to frogmarch this woman to the door and throw her into the street but, reluctantly he conceded some of what she was saying.

- page 265

Frogmarch: (VERB 동사)  frog-marched; frog-marching; frog-marches
: to seize from behind roughly and forcefully propel forward.
상대를 뒤에서 거칠게 붙잡고 힘껏 밀어 앞으로 나아가게 하다. (출처: merriam-webster)
英 팔을 틀어쥐고 끌고 가다 (출처: 네이버 사전)