소설_영단어_Stranger in a Strange Land_d
2024. 2. 26. 10:52
Stranger in a Strange Land
- 저자
- Heinlein Robert A
- 출판
- Penguin Books
- 출판일
- 2016.10.25
Stranger in a Strange Land : 네이버 도서
네이버 도서 상세정보를 제공합니다.
From: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
#HeinleinRobert #낯선땅의이방인
Note d
She looked up, unsmiling but beatific, a plump angel with a big spoon in one hand.
- page 403
Beatific: [ˌbēəˈtifik]
1. blissfully happy.
2. (CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY) imparting holy bliss. 성스럽고 거룩한 기쁨
기쁨이 넘치는, 더없이 행복해하는, 지복(至福)의,
Oh, piffle! I don't close my eyes like a school girl.
- page 409
Piffle: [ˈpif(ə) l]
(NFORMAL) nonsense 허튼소리, 헛소리, 개소리, balderdash, blather, blether, claptrap, garbage, rubbish.
You were mealy- mouthed.
- page 410
Mealy-mouthed: [ˈmēlēˌmouT͟Hd, ˈmēlēˌmouTHt]
: afraid to speak frankly or straightforwardly. 솔직하고 직선적으로 말하는 게 두려운.
similar: (비슷한 말) self-righteous, holier-than thou, church, pious, moralizing, unctuous, smug.
(출처: Bing)
(자신의 생각을) 솔직히 말하지 않는 (출처: 네이버 사전)
Mike's got her hornswoggled.
- page 412
Hornswoggle: [ˈhȯrn-ˌswä-gəl]
hornswoggled; hornswoggling
(slang 슬랭) to trick or deceive (someone), bamboozle, hoax. 속이다, 사기 치다
It's not a pansy gesture.
- page 413
Pansy: [ˈpan-zē]
(plural) pansies.
1. a garden plant (Viola wittrockiana) derived chiefly from the hybridization of the European Johnny-jump-up (Viola tricolor) with other wild violets also : its flower. 팬지(꽃)
2. (offensive): a weak or effeminate man or boy —used as a term of abuse and disparagement.
(offensive) : a gay man —used as a term of abuse and disparagement. (출처: Merriam-webster)
(금기어 속어) <남자 동성애자를 가리키는 모욕적인 말> (출처: 네이버 사전)
This poor ersatz Martian is saying that...
- page 415
Ersatz: [ˈer-ˌsäts] [ər-ˌsats]
: being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation. 대용 [모조] 품의
Synonyms (비슷한 말): faux, fake, simulated, artificial, dummy, false. substitute.
But nothing to the whopper you will suffer!
- page 415
Whopper: [ˈwɒp.ər]
: something that is surprising because it is so much bigger than the usual size. 크기가 평균보다 너무 커서 놀라운.
: (humorous 유머) a big lie. 굉장한 거짓말
(출처: Cambridge Dictionary)
To duck behind closed doors would be a sop to the very code they have rejected.
- page 419
Sop: [sɑːp]
Something of little importance or value that is offered to stop complaints or unhappiness.
불만이나 불행을 막기 위해 제공되는 별로 소중하지 않거나 가치 없는 선물.
(사람을) 달래기 위한 작은 선물 [물건].