소설_영단어_Stranger in a Strange Land_a
2024. 2. 21. 07:37
Stranger in a Strange Land
- 저자
- Heinlein Robert A
- 출판
- Penguin Books
- 출판일
- 2016.10.25
SF 명예의 전당 2: 화성의 오디세이
미국SF작가협회에서 선정한 최고의 SF단편 모음집『SF명예의 전당』제2권 <화성의 오디세이>. 미국SF작가협회 회원들이 투표를 통해 1965년 이전에 미국에서 발표되었던 SF 단편 중에서 최고의 작품들을 선정했다. 1권이 제목으로만 전해지던 전설의 작품들을 소개하는 단편집이었다면, 이번 2권은 그 전설을 마무리하고 새로운 새벽으로 나아가는 작품들을 소개하는 단편집이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 작품들에는 과학적인 논리 기반, 광대한 우주 속의 인간으로서 느끼는 경이감 등 SF 고유의 속성이 잘 드러나 있다. 또한 과학적인 방법론이나 기술적인 발달을 사회와 인간 정신에 대한 고민에 적용하며 문화와 과학에도 영향을 미쳤다.
- 저자
- 로버트 하인라인
- 출판
- 오멜라스
- 출판일
- 2010.09.15
네이버쇼핑, Stranger in a Strange Land
From: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein (Amazon)
#로버트하인라인 #HeinleinRobert #낯선땅의이방인
Note a
All eight signed a 'Gentlemen Adventurers' contract, making them mutually heirs to each other- all of them and their issue.
Issue: (FORMAL LAW) children of one's own.
자식, 새끼, 자손
When I tried to find out where he had studied I got euchred out.
- page 55
Euchred out: get euchred out of something to get cheated out of something.
To lose something due to someone else's deception.
"Euchre" is a card game that was popular in the US in the 19th century.
(출처: idioms.the free Dictionary)
다른 사람의 속임수로 인해 무언가를 잃는 것
He looked woebegone, then added with tragic certainty, I have hurted you. I did not know.
- page 61
Woebegone: [ˈwōbēˌɡôn]
: sad or miserable in appearance. dejected, disconsolate, forlorn, crestfallen, sorry for oneself, sad
수심에 가득 찬. 슬픈, 비통해하는, 비탄에 잠긴
But Ben, damn him, was off skyoodling and letting her carry the ball.
벤은 시끄럽게 큰 소리를 치며 내빼고 일은 정작 그녀에게 맡겨졌다.
- page 63
The meaning of the sentence is that Ben, who the speaker is angry with, was off making loud and useless noises and leaving her to do all the work. The word "skyoodling" is an American slang term that means to holler, yap, or bark noisily or foolishly¹². The phrase "carry the ball" is an idiom that means to take responsibility or initiative for something³. ¹: Kyoodle Definition & Usage Examples | ²: Kyoodle Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster ³: Carry the ball - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/20/2024 (1)
She got it to the parquet of the entrance way.
Parquet: [pär-,ˈkā]
1. a patterned wood surface (such as flooring or paneling). 나무판으로 시공한, 쪽매
2. the main floor of a theater. 미 (극장의) 주층
Both bathed in catharsis of schmaltz.
- page 91
Schmaltz: [ ˈshmȯlts ]
1. extremely or excessively sentimental music or art.
지나친 감상(주의)
- page 99
Foofaraw: [ˈfo͞ofəˌrô]
1. a great deal of fuss or attention given to a minor matter. 공연한 소동, 하찮은 일로 야단법석 떨기.
2. showy frills added unnecessarily. 과시용으로 불필요하게 더해진 주름진 장식.
Boss, when do we get rid of that ghoul?
Ghoul? Why, you provincial lout!
- page 135
Ghoul: [/ɡuːl/]
: an evil spirit that eats dead bodies. (전설 등에서) 사람 시체를 먹는 악귀.
Lout: [lout]
: an uncouth and aggressive man or boy. Ruffian, hooligan, thug, boor, oaf, hoodlum.
英 막돼 먹은 놈 [녀석]
Is there a way to check that dingus?
- page 176
Dingus: [ˈdiNGɡəs]
: used to refer to something one cannot or does not wish to name specifically: 거시기 (이름을 차마 말할 수 없는 것)
[구어] 고안, 장치(gadget); [미·속어] 마약의 도구; [속어] 음경, 페니스.
Don't 'Hmm' at me, you old lecher!
- page 205
Lecher: [ˈleCHər]
: a lecherous man. libertine, womanizer, seducer, debauchee, rake, roue, wanton.
색골, 호색한
Youngster, you can take your instructions, fold them until they are all corners- and shove them in your oubliette.
- page 215
Oubliette: [ˌo͞oblēˈet]
: a secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling.
dungeon, prison, cubicle, room, compartment, chamber. (중세의 성내의) 비밀 지하 감옥, 토옥 (천장 뚜껑을 열고 드나듦)
An oubliette is a type of dungeon with an opening only at the top, where prisoners are thrown in and forgotten¹. In the above sentence, the speaker is telling the youngster to put their instructions in such a place, implying that they are worthless and should be ignored. ¹: Oubliette Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/20/2024