소설_영단어_Les Miserables_13
2024. 1. 19. 13:21
Les Miserables
“So long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Mis?rables cannot fail to be of use,” says Victor Hugo in the preface of his famous novel. Certainly, Les Mis?rables is French history recounted through the personal stories of its main characters. The tale offers philosophical insight on the good deeds that can happen even amid ignorance and poverty. This handsome leather-bound volume is a beautiful addition to any classic literature library with specially designed endpapers, gilded edges, and a ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place.
- 저자
- Victor Hugo
- 출판
- Canterbury Classics
- 출판일
- 2015.10.13
from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
finical | (=FINICKY) 지나치게 까다로운, 타박이 심한 |
banlieue [bänˈlo͞o, ˌbänˈlyo͞o] |
교외 주택 기구 In France, a banlieue is a suburb of a large city or all its suburbs taken collectively. |
esplanade [es.plə.neɪd] [ˈes.plə.nɑːd/] |
' esplanade of the bridge of Austerlitz' (흔히 도시내의 바닷가나 강가) 산책로, 둔치 a wide-level path, especially one by the sea |
august | 격식있는, 위엄있는 : marked by majestic dignity or grandeur |
scabbard | 칼집 a sheath for a sword, dagger, or bayonet |
debouch [di-ˈbau̇ch -ˈbüsh ] |
(강)등이 흘러나오다 (into) (군대) 등이 넓은 곳으로 나오다 (into) (넓은 곳으로) 유출 (진출) 시키다 : to cause to emerge: DISCHARGE : to march out into open ground : EMERGE, ISSUE |
carabineers |
carabineer: [ker-ə-bə-ˈnir ˌka-rə-] 근위 스코트랜드 용기병 연대 |
ebullitions | 분출, 돌발 (outburst), 용솟음, 격발 ebullition: [e-bə-ˈli-shən ] : a sudden violent outburst or display : the act, process, or state of boiling or bubbling up |
yatagans | yataghan: [ˈya-ti-gən] 이슬람교도의 긴칼 (Turkish) yatağan |
sonorous [ˈsä-nə-rəs ] [sə-ˈnȯr-əs] |
: producing sound (as when struck): 소리를 내는 (두둘겼을 시) : full or loud in sound 소리가 낭랑한 : imposing or impressive in effect or style (스타일이나 그 효과가 강렬하거나 인상깊은 ) |
hearth [ˈhärth ] |
난로 (바닥) the floor of a fireplace 난로 부근 (근처); a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace 가정 home 중추부 (핵심)이고 창조적 중심부 a vital or creative center |
billiard [ˈbi(l)-yərd ] |
'billiard balls' billiard: 당구 |
caissons [ kā-ˌsän -sᵊn, kə-ˈsün] |
caisson: : a chest to hold ammunition (군사) 탄약 상사 : a usually 2-wheeled vehicle for artillery ammunition attachable to a horse-drawn limber 탄약차 : a watertight chamber used in construction work underwater or as a foundation : a hollow floating box or a boat used as a floodgate for a dock or basin(토목) 잠함 |
laburnum [lə-ˈbər-nəm] |
나도싸리 (노란 꽃송이가 늘어지게 피는 작은 나무) any of a small genus (Laburnum, especially L. anagyroides) of poisonous leguminous shrubs and trees of Eurasia with pendulous racemes of bright yellow flowers. |
portress [ ˈpȯr-trəs ] |
여자 문지기, 수위 (woman porter) (빌딩 등의) 여자 청소부 : a woman who is a porter, such as a doorkeeper in a convent or apartment building : CHARWOMAN |
tumbril [təm-brəl ] |
(or tumbril) : (프랑스 혁명기의) 사형수 호송차 a vehicle carrying condemned persons (such as political prisoners during the French Revolution) to a place of execution : 농장의 덤프차 a farm tipcart |