소설_영단어_Les Miserables_12
2024. 1. 18. 07:37
Les Miserables
“So long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Mis?rables cannot fail to be of use,” says Victor Hugo in the preface of his famous novel. Certainly, Les Mis?rables is French history recounted through the personal stories of its main characters. The tale offers philosophical insight on the good deeds that can happen even amid ignorance and poverty. This handsome leather-bound volume is a beautiful addition to any classic literature library with specially designed endpapers, gilded edges, and a ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place.
- 저자
- Victor Hugo
- 출판
- Canterbury Classics
- 출판일
- 2015.10.13
from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
excrescences [ikˈskres(ə)ns, ekˈskres(ə)ns] |
excrescence: 동식물에게 생긴 아주 보기 싫은 이상 성장물 (혹), 사마귀 a distinct outgrowth on a human or animal body or on a plant, especially one that is the result of disease or abnormality |
mien | ' the gruff mien' mien: 표정, 태도 |
peddler | peddler: 마약 판매원, 행상인, 도봇장수 'peddlers and carters' |
carter | 짐 마차꾼 |
potsherds | 질그릇 조각 |
copperas [ ˈkä-p(ə-)rəs ] |
녹반 green vitriol ; FERROUS SULFATE |
abattoir [ˈa-bə-ˌtwär] |
slaughterhouse 도살장 a place where animals are butchered |
garret | 'happiness on a garret' garret: 흔히 작고 어두컴컴한 다락방 as in a loft, a room, or an unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building |
portress | 여자 문지기, 여자 청소부 a woman who is a porter, such as : a doorkeeper in a convent or apartment building : CHARWOMAN |
lassitude [la-sə-ˌtüd ] |
노곤함, 무기력 : a condition of weariness or debility: FATIGUE : a condition characterized by a lack of interest, energy, or spirit: LANGUOR |
beadle | 교구직원, 대학 총장의 직권표지를 받드는 속관 a minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order at services and sometimes civil functions |
perchance | 아마, 어쩌면, perhaps, possibly, maybe |
venery [ˈve-nə-rē ] |
venery: 사냥 연습이나 사냥을 하는 행동 사냥하는 동물, 사냥감 animals that are hunted: GAME the art, act, or practice of hunting venery: the pursuit of or indulgence in sexual pleasure |
obstinacy | 순전히 고집을 부리는 행동 STUBBORNNESS |
quay [ˈkē ] |
부두 선참 : a structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place |
hippodromes | 일부 극장, 콘서트장, 경기장, 곡마장 : an oval stadium for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece : an arena for equestrian performances |
espalier [ i-ˈspal-yər ] |
벽에 붙여놓은 틈을 타고 납작하게 붙어 자라는 나무. 식물이 자라게 손질하여 만든 뼈대, 격자 또는 시렁에 올린 나무. : a plant (such as a fruit tree) trained to grow flat against a support (such as a wall) : a railing or trellis on which fruit trees or shrubs are trained to grow flat |
junction | junction: 교차로, 나들목, 명령, 경고, 분기점 分岐點, 네거리, 사거리, 연결, 접합, 합류점, (전선 등의) 연결 [접합/접속] 지점 |
debouched | debouch: [dəˈbo͞oSH, dəˈbouCH] emerge from a narrow or confined space into a wide, open area: 유출, 진출 시키다, 넓은 곳으로 나오다 |
injunction | (법원의) 명령 (→restraining order); (권한을 지닌 사람의) 경고[명령] : a writ granted by a court of equity whereby one is required to do or to refrain from doing a specified act. : the act or an instance of enjoining: ORDER, ADMONITION |