소설_영단어_Les Miserables_8
2024. 1. 14. 11:57
Les Miserables
“So long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Mis?rables cannot fail to be of use,” says Victor Hugo in the preface of his famous novel. Certainly, Les Mis?rables is French history recounted through the personal stories of its main characters. The tale offers philosophical insight on the good deeds that can happen even amid ignorance and poverty. This handsome leather-bound volume is a beautiful addition to any classic literature library with specially designed endpapers, gilded edges, and a ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place.
- 저자
- Victor Hugo
- 출판
- Canterbury Classics
- 출판일
- 2015.10.13
From: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
bouquiniste | 고 서적상, 헌책방 |
dragoons | 총을 가진 기마병 |
modiste | 여성 모자, 여성복을 만드는 여성 재단사 a fashionable milliner or dressmaker |
aureole | 광환 (빛으로 이뤄진 둥근 테 모양) a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy. |
succor | 'human succor' 구조, 원조, 구조자 assistance and support in times of hardship and distress: |
diaphaneity | 투명도 |
forge | 용광로, 제철소, 대장간, 구축하다, 위조하다 |
fiacre | 소형 4륜 합승 마차 |
tallow | 수지 (양초, 비누 등을 만드는데 쓰이는 동물 기름) |
platitude | 못마땅한, 진부한 이야기 |
taciturnity | 말 없음, 과묵, 성격이 뚱한, 말수가 적은, 무뚝뚝한 (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little: |
vociferate | 소리 높여 표현하는, 외치는 vociferated (past tense) · vociferated (past participle) shout, complain, or argue loudly or vehemently: |
grenadier | 영국 근위 보병 연대 병사 |
refuse |
rubbish, garbage, 쓰레기, matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; |
peeved | 'peeved look' 짜증이 난 |
assize | ' assizes of civilization' 순회재판소, 법령, 조례 |
tumult | 소란, 소동, 마음이 심란함, 혼란스러움 |
glum | 침울한 (gloomy) |
churlish | 막된, 무례한 |