
소설_영단어_Les Miserables_5

januaryMittwoch 2024. 1. 11. 06:17

Les Miserables
“So long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Mis?rables cannot fail to be of use,” says Victor Hugo in the preface of his famous novel. Certainly, Les Mis?rables is French history recounted through the personal stories of its main characters. The tale offers philosophical insight on the good deeds that can happen even amid ignorance and poverty. This handsome leather-bound volume is a beautiful addition to any classic literature library with specially designed endpapers, gilded edges, and a ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place.
Victor Hugo
Canterbury Classics

convokes (convoke) 'convokes lawyers' 소집하다
verdigris 'her fingers covered with verdigris'
구리에 생기는 푸른 녹, 녹청
retrocedes (retrocede) 되돌아가다, 물러가다, 후퇴하다
disdain 경멸, 업신여김, 무시
patrimonies (patrimony) (아버지 사망 시 받는) 세습, 재산
foundered (founder) (동사) 특정한 문제점 때문에 실패하다, 좌초하다, 침몰하다
침수하여 가라앉다, 실패하다, 무너지다, 침수 침몰시키다
calumny slander, defamation, 명예 훼손, 중상, 비방, 악담 [against ‥]
orisons (orison) 기도
ermine ' the ermine of stupidity'
북방 족제비
elegy 애가, 비가
dithyrambs ( dithyramb  ) 주신 찬양가, 열광적인 시
quatrains ( quatrain ) 4 행시, 4행 시절
distiches ( distich  ) 2 행 연구
sententious 무게를 잡는, 훈계조의
levity 'in spite of his levity'
경솔, 경박
venerable 공경할만한, 덕망있는
brigand 도둑, 산적
parapet 다리 옥상등의 난간
shod  'shod with wooden sabots'
신발을 신은
sabots ( sabot ) 나막신
carbuncle ( carbuncle ) 옹(癰): 피하 조직의 화농성 염증;  석류석