2024. 1. 4. 16:28
* The million-copy bestseller* * National Book Award finalist * * One of the New York Times's 10 Best Books of 2017 * * Selected for Emma Watson's Our Shared Shelf book club * 'This is a captivating book ... Min Jin Lee's novel takes us through four generations and each character's search for identity and success. It's a powerful story about resilience and compassion' BARACK OBAMA. Yeongdo, Korea 1911. In a small fishing village on the banks of the East Sea, a club-footed, cleft-lipped man marries a fifteen-year-old girl. The couple have one child, their beloved daughter Sunja. When Sunja falls pregnant by a married yakuza, the family face ruin. But then Isak, a Christian minister, offers her a chance of salvation: a new life in Japan as his wife. Following a man she barely knows to a hostile country in which she has no friends, no home, and whose language she cannot speak, Sunja's salvation is just the beginning of her story. Through eight decades and four generations, Pachinko is an epic tale of family, identity, love, death and survival.
- 저자
- Lee Min Jin
- 출판
- Head Of Zeus
- 출판일
- 2020.01.09
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
Her tiny, gracious eyes, which resembled tadpoles, pulled downward to meet her knobby cheek-bones.
- page 91
tadpoles: 올챙이
You want to see a very bad man? Make an ordinary many successful beyond his imagination. Let's see how good he is when he can do whatever he wants.
- page 42
imagination:상상력, 상상 (想像 상상: 想 생각 상 像 모양 상)
But a God that did everything we thought was right and good wouldn't be the creator of the universe. He would be our puppet. He wouldn't be God.
- page 59
puppet: 꼭두각시, (인형극에 쓰는) 인형
Ikaino was a misbegotten village of sorts, comprised of mismatched shabby houses.
misbegotten: contemptible 경멸을 받을 만한, wretched 끔찍한, 형편없는, 비참한, ill-conceived 계획이 잘못된
Sunja remained quiet and still like a seedling sprouting from new soil, upright and open to collect the light.
- page 99
seedling: 묘목 (苗木 묘목: 苗 모 묘 木 나무 목)
Bellies frull and well housed, they had only contempt for the smell of lamp oil, loud animals, and their hick brother-in-law, who was always talking about the prices of things.
- page 206
contempt: 경멸 (輕蔑 경멸: 輕 가벼울 경 蔑 업신여길 멸), 멸시 (蔑視 멸시: 蔑 업신여길 멸 視 볼 시)
hick: 시골뜨기, 촌놈
She could not see his humanity, and Noa realized that this was what he wanted most of all: to be seen as human.
- page 308
humanity: 인류, 인간, 인간성, 인간임
人間 인간 : (人 사람 인 間 사이 간)
There could only be a few winners and a lot of losers. And yet we played on, because we had hope that we might be the lucky ones. How could you get angry at the ones who wanted to be in the game?
- 406