소설_영단어_Les Miserables_1
2024. 1. 1. 12:25
Les Miserables
“So long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Mis?rables cannot fail to be of use,” says Victor Hugo in the preface of his famous novel. Certainly, Les Mis?rables is French history recounted through the personal stories of its main characters. The tale offers philosophical insight on the good deeds that can happen even amid ignorance and poverty. This handsome leather-bound volume is a beautiful addition to any classic literature library with specially designed endpapers, gilded edges, and a ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place.
- 저자
- Victor Hugo
- 출판
- Canterbury Classics
- 출판일
- 2015.10.13
From: Les Miserables 영어 번역서에서:
He had but three shirts, one on his person, the second in the commode, and the third in the washerwoman's hands.
1. 좌석 아래에 변기가 있는 변기겸용의자
2. (옛날) 서랍장
Such and such a formality or action, which, in any other situation would have appeared merely a deference to him, now seemed insipidity, and he nerved himself against it.
*Deference: 존중 [경의] (을/를 표하는 행동)
* Insipidity: 무미건조함, 평범한 말이나 생각, 맛없음
'Officious busybodies'
* Officious: 거들먹거리는, 위세를 부리는, self-important, 참견하기 좋아하는, 주제넘게 나서는 참견쟁이들, 오지랖쟁이들
snappishness: 물려고 덤빌듯함, 급한, 꽉 무는, 딱딱거리는, 무뚝뚝한, 퉁명스러운, 화 잘내는 성질
'practicing pettifogging'
좀 스러움, 사소한 것을 물고늘어지며 집착함을 몸소 실행
pettifogging: ,
① 공연히 신경을 쓰는
② 하찮은
③ 교활한
in the face of indigence: 극심한 곤궁/극빈함을 마주하고 (겪으며)
rogue: 행동은 못됐지만 크나큰 해를 끼칠 정도는 아닌 악당, 불한당 같은 녀석, scoundrel, 사기꾼, 범죄자, rascal
'An escarpment rose around him."
escarpment: 급경사면, 깍아세운듯한 낭떠러지
turpitudes: 대단히 부도덕한 행위 (wickedness)
"Destitution gives birth to might of soul and spirits."
Destitution: 극빈
Bing: This is a quote from the novel **Les Misérables** by Victor Hugo, which tells the story of the struggles and redemption of the ex-convict Jean Valjean and the people he meets in 19th century France. The quote is part of a passage that describes the character of Enjolras, the leader of a group of young revolutionaries who fight against the oppressive monarchy. The quote means that **poverty and hardship can inspire courage and determination in people who have a noble cause and a strong will.** It suggests that Enjolras and his comrades are not afraid of death or suffering, because they have a higher purpose and a powerful spirit. 🇫🇷 The quote also echoes the first of the **Beatitudes** from the Sermon on the Mount in the Bible, which says: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."¹ The poor in spirit are those who feel a deep sense of spiritual destitution and comprehend their nothingness before God. The kingdom of heaven is theirs, because they seek it, and therefore find and abide in it. To this virtue is opposed the pride of the Pharisee, which caused him to thank God that he was not as other men, and to despise and reject the kingdom of heaven. There must be emptiness before there can be fullness, and so poverty of spirit precedes riches and grace in the kingdom of God. 🙏 I hope this helps you understand the meaning of the quote. If you want to learn more about Les Misérables, you can read the full novel [here](^1^) or watch the musical adaptation [here](^2^). 😊
Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/31/2023 (1) The Beatitudes - Full Bible Passage and Meaning - Bible Study Tools. (2) The Beatitudes - Full Bible Passage and Meaning - Bible Study Tools. (3) Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke Chapter 2. (4) luke - What is the meaning of Jesus' teaching about unclean spirits ....
sallies: sally:
1. 남을 즐겁게 하기 위한 재치있는 농담, witticism
2. 기습공격
expiation: 속죄, 죄를 선행으로 갚음, 보상
chicanery: 교묘한 속임수, 발뺌, 핑계, 구실
* 발음주의
" The feeble emerge base...."
feeble: 허약한, 미미한
The feeble: 약한 사람들
base: 부도덕한, 야비한
The phrase "the feeble emerge base, from which the strong emerge sublime" is from the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo¹. It means that the hardships and privations of life test the character of people, and reveal whether they are weak or strong. The weak ones become more degraded and miserable, while the strong ones rise above their circumstances and become noble and heroic. Hugo uses this phrase to describe the situation of Marius, a young man who suffers from poverty and isolation, but does not lose his dignity or his ideals¹. Hugo also suggests that this is a general principle of history and progress, as he writes in another part of the novel: "If you wish to gain an idea of what revolution is, call it Progress; and if you wish to acquire an idea of the nature of progress, call it To-morrow."² Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/31/2023 (1) Les Misérables - I: Marius Indigent. (2) History, Revolution, and Progress Theme in Les Miserables - LitCharts. (3) Les Miserables Quotes | Explanations with Page Numbers | LitCharts.