
소설_영단어 _Stephen King_1

januaryMittwoch 2023. 12. 29. 15:23




Mr. Harrigan's Phone by Stephen King

Elevation by Stephen King

He was always bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
[Mr. Harrigan's Phone]

Bing: The phrase “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed” means to be alert and eager with lots of energy. It is often used to describe someone who is very enthusiastic, especially in the morning when others are sleepy or tired. 🌞 The phrase comes from the appearance and behavior of squirrels (다람쥐), which have bright eyes and bushy tails, and are very active and lively animals. 🐿️


I could see the lower arc of his irises.
[Mr. Harrigan's Phone]
I felt a little ploddy when I actually did weigh 240.
다음 단어에서 변형:
(형용사) plodding: slow-moving and dull, boring, uninteresting.
(동사 ) plod: walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps.

"240 파운드였을 때는 조금 둔한 기분이 들었어요.”