
OST_이태원 클라스_돌덩이

januaryMittwoch 2020. 9. 28. 13:40

이태원 클라쓰_하현우 - 돌덩이_ OST Part.3 (ITAEWON CLASS OST Part.3) 


[MV] 하현우 - 돌덩이 [이태원 클라쓰 OST Part.3 (ITAEWON CLASS OST Part.3)] 




Hit me harder, Make me strong. 


그저 정해진 대로 따르라고 

그게 현명하게 사는 거라고 

 죽은 듯이 살라는  

같잖은  누굴 위한 삶인가 


뜨겁게 지져봐 

절대 꼼짝 않고 나는 버텨낼 테니까 

거세게 때려봐 

 손만 다칠 테니까 




쓰러지고 떨어져도 

다시 일어나 오를 뿐야 




깎일수록 깨질수록 

더욱 세지고 강해지는 돌덩이 


감당할  없게 벅찬  세상 

유독 내게만  모진  세상 

모두가 나를 돌아섰고 

비웃었고 아픔이  나였지 


시들고 저무는 

그런 세상 이치에  가두려 하지  

틀려도 괜찮아 

 삶은 내가 사니까 




쓰러지고 떨어져도 

다시 일어나 오를 뿐야 




깎일수록 깨질수록 

더욱 세지고 강해지는 돌덩이 


누가 뭐라 해도 나의  

오직 하나뿐인 나의  

 전부를 내걸고서, Hey! 




부딪히고 넘어져도 

다시 일어나 걷는 거야 



이 길 끝에 서서 

나도 한 번 크게 한 번 

목이 터져라 울 수 있을 때까지 


Hit me harder, Make me strong. 


"Follow the rules already set for you, 

That's how you live when you're wise ", 

"Live like a dead rat" - they tell me 

For whom are those ill-advised words? 


Searing me with red hot (iron) 

I won't budge; I will endure 

Hit me harder 

It will only hurt your hand 


Look at me, 

I never budge 

Even if I stumble and fall 

I'll get up again and climb up 


I am, 

Look at me 

The more you try to cut down and shatter me to pieces 

Stronger I become, just like a stone 


This world is too overwhelming for me to handle 

To me mainly, this world treats with cruelty 

Everyone has turned against me 

They belittle me; pain is I 


In a world that withers and declines 

Don’t try to trap me in such a world 

It's okay if I'm wrong 

I am the one that must live this life 


Look at me, 

I never budge 

Even if I stumble and fall 

I'll get up again and climb up 


I am, 

Look at me 

The more you try to cut down and shatter me to pieces 

Stronger I become, just like a stone 


No matter what others say, the path is mine 

The only way that is mine 

I put my everything on it; hey! 


Keep walking 

I’ll keep going 

Even if I stumble and fall down 

I’ll get up again and walk (the path) 



Standing at the end of this path 

I can also just for once, loudly once 

Until the moment I can cry aloud as if my throat burst open.