

januaryMittwoch 2019. 11. 11. 10:54
Integrated Korean: Intermediate 2
This is a thoroughly revised edition of Integrated Korean: Intermediate 2 , the fourth volume of the best-selling series developed collaboratively by leading classroom teachers and linguists of Korean. All the series' volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology--contextualization, learner-centeredness, use of authentic materials, usage-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill using, and integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Grammar points are systematically introduced in simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises. Each situation/topic-based lesson of the main texts consists of model dialogues, narration, new words and expressions, vocabulary notes, culture, grammar, usage, and English translation of dialogues. In response to comments from hundreds of students and instructors of the first edition, this new edition features a more attractive two-colour design with all new photos and drawings and additional exercises that focus on vocabulary and grammar. Lessons are now organised into two main sections, each containing a conversational text (with its own vocabulary list) and a reading passage. The accompanying workbook, newly written, provides students with extensive skill-using activities based on the skills learned in the main text. Integrated Korean is a project of the Korean Language Education and Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korea Foundation. In addition to the five-level Integrated Korean textbooks and workbooks, volumes include Korean Composition , Korean Language in Culture and Society , Korean Reader for Chinese Characters , Readings in Modern Korean Literature , Selected Readings in Korean , and A Resource for Korean Grammar Instruction .
Cho Young-Mee Yu
University of Hawaii Press




Reference: page 86 of ISBN 978-0-8248-3813-3

Integrated Korean: Intermediate 2



1.    ~대요 is used when the information conveyed is not from the speaker’s firsthand knowledge, but something he or she has heard from somebody else.

2.    ~대요 is a contracted form of the more general quotation, ~다고 해요.

3.    With the copula~, ~changes into ~when it occurs in a quotation such that~래is used instead of ~.


N~이래요 (after a consonant): 저 애 샌디 동생이래요.

N~래요 (after a vowel): 저 애 샌디 오빠래요.


Practice as in the example. (문제는 이 책에 실린 게 아니라 변형시킨 것입니다.)


1.    그녀가 의대에 가요.-> 그녀가 의대에 간대요.

2.    아들이 아침을 안 먹어요->

3.    그곳 날씨가 추운 편이다.->

4.    그 식당은 늘 붐비는 편이지만 월요일에는 한산해요.->

5.    그의 아버지는 한국에 온 지 벌써 10년이 넘었다->

6.    형부는 한국에 다음 주에 간다.->

7.    그 이발소는 항상 붐벼요.->

8.    건너편 식당은 한식 전문 식당입니다.->

9.    그녀는 매일매일 한 시간 넘게 걸어요.->

10. 어제 걔한테서 연락 왔는데 잘 지내고 있다고 했어요.->

*** 걔 -> 그 아이